White Collar Week Tuesday Speaker Series – Michele Weinstat, General Counsel of The Fortune Society, On Zoom, July 12, 2022, 7 pm ET, 6 pm CT, 5 pm MT, 4 pm PT

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White Collar Week Tuesday Speaker Series 

John Monaghan, “The Chief”, Tues., June 21, 2022, 7 pm ET, 6 pm CT, 5 pm MT, 4 pm PT

On Zoom

We are honored to have Michele Weinstat as an upcoming speaker in our White Collar Support Group Tuesday Speaker Series.

Michele Weinstat currently serves as General Counsel at The Fortune Society, a not-for-profit agency serving those impacted by the criminal justice system. In recovery for over 32 years, Michele is herself a formerly incarcerated person, who returned to the practice of law following disbarment due to a drug-related felony conviction. Prior to her time at The Fortune Society and subsequent to her reinstatement, she served as Vice President (Labor Counsel and Ethics Officer) at the New York State Housing Finance Agency, as well as the chief ethics prosecutor for New York City, responsible for enforcing ethics compliance for 300,000 City employees and elected officials.

Michele is also the author of three published novels. Writing under the name Michele W. Miller, Michele has written: “The Thirteenth Step: Zombie Recovery” (a satirical romp through the apocalypse with a group whose addict/alcoholic gene protects them from the zombie virus – http://bit.ly/1yK0Qjx) ( and “Widows-In-Law,” (a first and second wife must get along and find out who killed their husband or die trying. http://bit.ly/2UKCbAP).

Writing as Michele Weinstat Miller, Michele’s newest novel “Gone By Morning,” has received wide critical acclaim. In “Gone By Morning,” two unique women—a City Hall press officer and her previously-incarcerated neighbor—face down dangerous men in the world of New York politics. “Gone by Morning” was named an outstanding mystery/thriller selection by Library Journal. Kirkus Reviews calls it, “Mary Higgins Clark with teeth.” (https://bit.ly/GoneByMorning)

Michele lives in Manhattan with her husband and 19-year-old twins sons (currently off to college), a very large dog, and two needy cats.

Link to register: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMsde-vpj0qHNErW01mhSnI0VXUKFvD4um9