White Collar Support Group 300th Meeting Reflection – Tony T., FCI Morgantown.
Tony T. is a member of our White Collar Support Group that meets online on Zoom on Monday evenings. We will celebrate our 300th meeting on March 14, 2022, 7 pm ET, 4 pm PT.
I am currently sitting at FCI Morgantown, a prison camp in West Virginia, finishing a 41 month sentence for wire fraud.
When I first found out I was being investigated, I was literally frightened beyond words. What was going to happen, what would happen to my family, my kids, my life. After finding Jeff and the White Collar Support Group, I first watched and listened, and then fully joined in. ALL the things I learned about my next few years of my life, what will happen next, what to do, what to ask and what to expect, I learned through the group. Not only did this group become my community, it’s members became my family.
I am now 97 days from finishing my journey and was told today that because of the First Step Act, I will go straight to probation. I never thought I could get through this process and, without the group, I don’t know if I could have. I am so grateful.