Podcast: Jeff Grant on the Energy Stoners Cafe with Toni Quest, Jan. 21, 2022

Attorney and minister, Jeff Grant, is this week’s guest on the Energy Stoners(TM) Cafe Podcast. He discusses his journey from successful lawyer, to opioid addiction, to convicted felon to minister. Jeff is now the founder of prisonist.org, the world’s first ministry serving the white collar crime community. After years of recovery and self-discovery and ministry, Jeff Grant is finally reinstated as a lawyer and continues his ministry. His story is truly enlightening and inspiring.

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Guest: Jeff Grant:

Rev. Jeff Grant, Progressive Prison Ministries, Inc./White Collar Support Group, Rev. PO Box 1, Woodbury, CT 06798-0001, (212) 859-3512, info@prisonist.org,  prisonist.org

Jeff Grant, Esq., GrantLaw PLLC, 43 West 43rd Street, Suite 108, New York, NY 10038-7424, (212) 859-3512, jgrant@grantlaw.com,  grantlaw.com

Host: Toniquesttv@gmail.com

Energy Stoners (TM) Cafe podcast is the intellectual property of Toni Quest and James H. Brooks, producers