On Thurs., Nov. 14th, Jacqueline Polverari of Evolution Reentry Services & Rev. Jeff Grant of Progressive Prison Ministries were invited to speak to students today at Albertus Magnus College, New Haven, CT. Meeting young people dedicating themselves to careers in enlightened criminal justice – a wonderful afternoon.
After an addiction to prescription opioids and serving almost fourteen months in a Federal prison (2006 – 07) for a white-collar crime (fraudulent application for SBA disaster loan) he committed in 2001 when he was lawyer, Jeff started his own reentry – earning a Master of Divinity from Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York, majoring in Social Ethics. After graduating from divinity school, Jeff was called to serve at an inner city church in Bridgeport, CT as Associate Minister and Director of Prison Ministries. He then co-founded Progressive Prison Ministries, Inc. (Greenwich, CT), the world’s first ministry serving the white collar justice community.
On May 5, 2021, Jeff’s law license was reinstated by the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of the State of New York.
Now again in private practice, Jeff is an attorney and counselor-at-law providing private general counsel, legal crisis management, and dispute strategy and management services to individuals and families, real estate organizations, family-owned and closely-held businesses, the white collar justice community, and special situation and pro bono clients. He is a nationally recognized expert in SBA, PPP, EIDL loan fraud.
For over 20 years Jeff served as managing attorney of a 20+ employee law firm headquartered in New York City, and then Westchester County, NY. Among other practice areas, the firm engaged in representation of family-owned/closely held businesses and their owners, business and real estate transactions, trusts and estates, and litigation. Jeff also served as outside General Counsel to large family-owned real estate equities, management and brokerage organizations, in which role he retained, coordinated and oversaw the work of many specialty law firms, including white collar defense firms.
Link to Jeff’s full bio and links to articles, video, podcasts & radio here.
Twice Selected as a Nantucket Project Scholar
JustLeadershipUSA Fifteen Inaugural National Leaders in Criminal Justice
Keepers of the Commons Fellow
Keepers of the Commons Senior Fellow
Elizabeth Bush Award for Volunteerism
Three Time Bridgeport Reentry Collaborative Advocate of the Year Award
Four Time Bridgeport Reentry Collaborative Professional of the Year
Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence Award
Connecticut NAACP Award
Selected as a Collegeville Institute Writing Fellow
Professional Speaker 20+ years
Practicing Attorney 20 years
Minister/Prison Minister 10 years
Reentry & Recovery Professional – Clean & Sober 17+ years
Juris Doctorate, New York Law School
Master of Divinity, Union Theological Seminary
American Bar Association
New York State Bar Association
New York City Bar Association
National Association of Criminal Defense Counsel
National Speakers Association, Professional Member
Reuters: Jeff Grant ‘Let Go of the Outcome’: How this Felon Beat Addiction and Won Back his Law License, by Jenna Greene, May 2021: https://www.reuters.com/business/legal/i-let-go-outcome-how-this-felon-beat-addiction-won-back-his-law-license-2021-05-21/
Entrepreneur’s #4 Most Viewed Article of 2020: I Went to Prison for S.B.A. Loan Fraud: 7 Things to Know When Taking COVID-19 Relief Money: by Jeff Grant, April 2020: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/350337
The Philadelphia Inquirer: Steal Money from the Feds? First, Meet Jeff Grant, an Ex-Con who Committed Loan Fraud, by Erin Arvedlund, Oct. 2020: https://www.inquirer.com/business/sba-loan-fraud-jeff-grant-white-collar-week-crime-bill-baroni-20201018.html
Greenwich Magazine: The Redemption of Jeff Grant, by Tim Dumas, March 2018: https://greenwichmag.com/features/the-redemption-of-jeff-grant
Forbes: As Law Enforcement Pursues SBA/PPP Loan Fraud, A Story Of Redemption, by Kelly Phillips Erb, July 2020: https://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyphillipserb/2020/07/14/as-law-enforcement-pursues-sba-loan-fraud-jeff-grant-talks-redemption/#7a4f70cc4483
Recent Podcasts/Radio:
The Confessional with Nadia Bolz-Weber, Podcast, May 2021: https://nadiabolzweber.com/308-jeff-grant/
Greater Good Radio with Bob Kosch, WOR 710 AM NYC, May 2021: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1248-greater-good-radio-with-b-81131426
Selected Video:
The Rich Roll Podcast: The Awakening of Jeff Grant: From Addiction & Incarceration To Prison Ministry, 2019: https://www.richroll.com/podcast/jeff-grant-440/
Founders Focus Podcast with Scott Case, 2021, Interview, https://youtu.be/y5icqQcMtPc?list=PLbNxOsmSNw3x3jR9P9fJfHrYkuQGXzJl9
White Collar Support Group, Meets Mondays 7 pm ET, 4 pm PT: We held our 250th online support group meeting in March 2021. We have had over 320 participants, and average about 25 attendees at each meeting: https://prisonist.org/white-collar-support-group/
Sample Episodes of White Collar Week Podcast (video & audio):
White Collar Week Podcast, Ep. 01: An Evening with Our White Collar Support Group. 16 of our support group members tell their personal stories: https://prisonist.org/white-collar-week-with-jeff-grant-podcast-episode-01-16-free-from-prison-an-evening-with-our-white-collar-support-group/
White Collar Week Podcast, Ep. 06: Madoff Talks, with guest Jim Campbell, author of the book coming out April 2021, “Madoff Talks, Uncovering the Untold Story Behind the Most Notorious Ponzi Scheme in History.”: https://prisonist.org/white-collar-week-with-jeff-grant-podcast-ep-06-madoff-talks-with-guest-jim-campbell/
White Collar Week Podcast, Ep. 21, All Things SBA, PPP & EIDL, Guest: Hannah Smolinski, CPA: https://prisonist.org/white-collar-week-with-jeff-grant-all-things-sba-ppp-eidl-with-guest-hannah-smolinski-cpa-virtual-cfo-podcast-ep-21/