The Criminal Justice Insider Podcast with Babz Rawls Ivy & Jeff Grant, Guests: The Inaugural Inductees into the CT Hall of Change, Fri., Oct. 2, 2020, 9 am
The Criminal Justice Insider Podcast
with Babz Rawls Ivy & Jeff Grant
Guests: “The Great 8”
The Inaugural Inductees into the
CT Hall of Change
Fri., Oct. 2, 2020, 9 am ET

The Great 8:
Michael Askew, Tiheba Bain, Robin Cullen,
LaResse Harvey, Babz Rawls Ivy, Daryl McGraw,
Iran Nazario, Kelvin Young
Please join us on Friday, Oct. 2, 2020 9 am ET, when Charlie Grady and “The Great 8,” the Inaugural Inductees into the CT Hall of Change, will be our guests on the Criminal Justice Insider Podcast with Babz Rawls Ivy & Jeff Grant – The Voice of Criminal Justice. Live on WNHH 103.5 FM New Haven, rebroadcast at 5 pm. Live-streamed on Facebook Live. On podcast platforms 24/7 everywhere. Sponsored by the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven and Progressive Prison Ministries, Inc.
The CT Hall of Change is designed to recognize and memorialize formerly incarcerated men and women who have made substantial contributions to their communities since their release. On Sept. 20, 2020, eight individuals from across CT were inducted into the inaugural group of awardees.
Podcast/Viewing Options…
Babz Ivy-Rawls
Babz Ivy Rawls, brilliant, charismatic, tireless, multi-talented, fixture of the New Haven and Connecticut community. A few of her roles include being a mother and interviewer of everyone from politicians to formerly incarcerated people to practitioners to academics about prison industrial complex issues on the Criminal Justice Insider radio show. She is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Inner-City News, “a 29-year Black-owned print publication working to hold the stories and images of local and global Black people sacred.” Babz embodies the triumph made in spite of experiencing challenges faced by many other formerly incarcerated women. She uses her vibrant voice to inform and influence people about her causes and her community.
Contact Information:
[email protected]
Kelvin Young
Kelvin has contributed to his community consistently, the founding member of Toivo a peer-run initiative that includes statewide workshops and serves as a center for healing and stress management. He has volunteered at the Department of corrections, Manson Youth Institute, and has supported a number of campaigns dedicated to healing others and surrounding communities. Kelvin truly exemplifies the mission of what Connecticut Hall of Change stands for.
Contact Information:
[email protected]
Robin Cullen
Robin Cullen is an Artist, Contractor, and Consultant working in the field of Trauma and Recovery. Robin’s essay was published in Couldn’t Keep It To Myself (2003), written by The Women at York Correctional Institution, edited by Wally Lamb. She is currently in her sixteenth year with the Judy Dworin Performance Project, working as a Teaching Artist with men and women in and out of prison, as a performer, and as a Board Member. Ms. Cullen is certified to facilitate all trauma and recovery curricula for girls and women written by Dr. Stephanie Covington and is certified through Amherst Writers and Artists to teach therapeutic writing. Robin has been with Toivo in Hartford, CT since it’s 2014 inception, facilitating trauma, recovery, and writing groups for men and women. She was employed with Mothers Against Drunk Driving, (MADD) for more than ten years. In addition to her prison work, Robin is the House Manager at Journey Home Recovery Living, a sober sanctuary for recovering women. She is also an experienced remodeling contractor. Through the arts she is uplifting, renovating, and repurposing – people, places, and things!
Contact Information:
[email protected]
Couldn’t Keep It to Myself
Iran Nazario
Iran Nazario became an inspiration against all odds. He worked with nonprofits as a counselor, conflict mediator, manager, and trainer. He became the COMPASS Youth Collaborative Peacebuilders Director. He provided men and women with similar backgrounds a second chance. He provided them an opportunity to give back to youth in the community by demonstrating that change and peace are possible. He and his team worked in dangerous neighborhoods with victims and perpetrators of violence, diffusing tensions, and violence on the streets to create more peaceful communities. Today, he is the President and CEO of the Peace Center of Connecticut. A symbol of hope, intermediary, and partnership organization that supports best practices around peace throughout the state. He is a symbol of peace and a living testimony that peace is possible. He is an example that despite the circumstances in life, a successful life is attainable.
Contact Information:
860-922-3552 (direct)
860-466-8865 ext 6767 (office)
1(833) 732-2328 (International)
1(833) Peace2U
157 Charter Oak Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106
LaResse Harvey
LaResse Harvey has pioneered many campaigns, organizations, community educational forums, videos, press conferences, and even helped to close down five Connecticut prisons. She has evolved her work as one of the national leaders on drug policy and mass incarceration reform. She has worked relentlessly from organizing Connecticut to pass Ban the Box from city ordinances to state law to keeping local Hartford libraries open. An author herself, LaResse uses her platform to educate society on the adverse effects of trauma and the aftermath of incarceration trauma. She is an exemplary model for overcoming adversity and personal evolution.
Contact Information:
Once Incarcerated…Once INc… a.k.a Once IN!
Phone: 860-829-9920 or email: [email protected]
Tuesday OIA Zoom Meeting info
Topic: Once Incarcerated Once IN Anonymous
Time: recurring Tuesday night meeting 6pm
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 875 9390 8197 NO PASSWORD NEEDED
Email: [email protected] or Call 562-318-7703
Buttons’ Journey PTSD
Buttons’ Journey Praise
Michael Askew
Michael Askew has been a leader in the National Recovery Movement for over 30 years. He has inspired and supported thousands of others to begin their own recovery journeys, in spite of barriers and challenges. Michael has long been an advocate for restorative justice, acknowledged all over the state of Connecticut as a role model and leader. Michael has inspired communities, as living proof that transformational change is possible.
Contact Information:
Michael Askew, Director of Recovery Advocacy
Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery
[email protected] 203-464-8662
Tiheba Bain
Tiheba Bain is a motivational speaker and founder of Women Against Mass Incarceration, an organization that empowers justice system-involved women and girls. She is also the Director of Coalitions for The National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls, which provides technical support, coalition building, and comprehensive resources to local initiatives. Tiheba uses her experience and wisdom to relate to others, in ways that pursue real change.
Contact Information:
[email protected]
Daryl McGraw
Daryl McGraw has been a tireless advocate for people involved in the criminal justice system. He has been inspirational leading change in New London, Southeastern Connecticut, Statewide, and is sharing the message of criminal justice improvement throughout the country. His candidness of lived experience with the criminal justice system has built bridges for people, groups, and agencies that have been siloed, and challenged to reach their fullest potential in helping those who can be helped in the changes process. Daryl is skilled in areas of policy development, contract management, and project coordination, as well as collaborate with grassroots peer-advocacy agencies and the CT Department of Corrections.
Contact Information:
[email protected]
[email protected]
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Sponsored By:
The World’s First Ministry Serving
The White Collar Justice Community
Greenwich CT & Nationwide
It’s the Isolation that Destroys Us.
The Solution is in Community.
The Criminal Justice Insider Podcast with Babz Rawls Ivy and Jeff Grant is broadcast live at 9 am ET on the first and third Friday of each month Sept.-June